Friday, May 22, 2009

Another Rebound Site from Talisha

Skinner B. posted this information:

"WARNING!!! Talisha started her own retaliatory blogspot and has posted very erroneous information about me along with all my identifying information such as my name, address, email and cell number. She has also listed all of your names, which just blows my mind as we were all the ones who were ripped off by her. She says that I've been reported the Google, craigslist, etc and that I have defamed her grandmother. Huh???

Anyway, I have flagged her blog for listing my personal information and defamation/libel. Finally, someone actually gets use these terms ACCURATELY!!!!! If you see your name on their please also flag her blogspot so we can get her to shut up. She is so friggin' twisted it's ridiculous!!!!"

Another poster says:

"I too got an email with that from a My name is listed under the "not sure what happened with these people, but here they are" list. It says that a seller's grandma is filing a defamation of character lawsuit against whoever started THIS blog. Huh? How can a seller's grandmother file defamation against a blog??? I'm confused. LOL."

Let me start out by saying, Talisha has proven once again that she has absolutely no idea who started this blog. I am not the person listed on her site as running this blog. She claims to have "CONCRETE proof that she created the blog based on her IP address". Sorry, sister, but you obviously need to find a new private investigator, because you're way off once again. "Based on her IP address"? Just saying the words "IP address" doesn't make it the truth. If you look up the IP address on a IP tracker, the address of this site is for the site's hosts - Blogger and Google - and it's the same exact IP address as Talisha's blog!

Oh, and you have to love "This is what we found by Googling her". Try it. If you Google Jennifer Thompson, you get a completely different address. This is obviously a lame attempt to come up with an explanation for having this person's information.

As far as the claim that these people "file a claim with Paypal after receiving product", Paypal has a specific category of claim for situations in which the product was received, but was significantly different than described". So filing a claim after the product is received may be fully justified.

The claim that posters on this site are reporting each other to Talisha is laughable. How could the three people who supposedly created this site have received all these tips in just the first 24 hours of the site's creation? And how would a poster on this site have private information on other people who posted here? This is clearly just Talisha trying to cause suspicion among the posters on this site so that fewer people will post and share information.

And don't even get me started about the claims regarding "a seller's grandmother". What would her grandmother have to do with anything? If this blog is about the seller, then why is the"grandmother" filing a defamation lawsuit, unless information about the "grandmother" is mentioned here? Does this prove our theory about a family connection between the addresses listed here, or between Ladys and Lads and Prep and Posh? And in case you were wondering, I have not been notified of any lawsuits brought against me yet.

All in all, this new blog of Talisha's just serves the same purpose that all of her other rebound sites have served: It makes her feel important, it makes her feel as though someone is listening to her, it gives us new hints about her name and location, it proves her poor spelling and grammar, and it uses up more of the time she should be using to sew diapers.

Oh, and if anyone knows how you can "report" someone to Google (honestly?), as Talisha claims to have done, please let me know.


  1. this is her other store she has.....BEWARE!!!

    DO NOT BUY!!

  2. Her blog has been taken down due to going against the user policy!
