Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Story

I started this site because I have become aware that I am only one of many people who have been taken by Ladys and Lads Boutique , a cloth diaper maker who claims to be a work-at-home mom (WAHM). Even though I dilligently looked for information on this seller before buying, it wasn't untill later that I began hearing from the many others like me. Because of this, I started this site to inform people who are trying to get more information on Ladys and Lads, and to help those who have lost money by sharing information and resources.

Here is my story:
I placed my order for 20 custom-made cloth diapers from Ladys and Lads on March 1st, after much consideration. I originally heard about the site from a Craigslist post placed by the seller. I thoroughly looked over the site, examined the pictures, and Googled the site name, and found no more information, then I decided to place my order. The primary selling point was that the cloth diapers were on sale for $5 each, for any style. I was sent an email after ordering that said my diapers would be shipped in 4-5 weeks. A few weeks later I discovered a diaper-swapping forum with several discussions of people who had major problems with this seller. They said they had waited months without recieving any diapers, that they had been told the diapers were shipped and given fake tracking numbers, and some said the seller even claimed that they were the ones who were "scammers". Over the next several weeks I emailed the seller several times, and I was always told that she was "just about to start" my order. Eventualy I filed a claim through Paypal in the hopes of getting my money back. The dispute was decided in my favor, but Paypal was unable to retrieve any money from the seller's account.

If you have lost money to Ladys and Lads, please comment on this blog so that others who are considering buying from this seller will be warned. In future posts I will continue to provide information on other ways that we can try to prosecute, warn others, or just get our money back.


  1. I,too, saw the ad on Craig's List and ordered 5 diapers for $5 apiece. I was also told "4-5 weeks until delivery". I began to wonder when the vendor started sending out odd emails to all her clients saying that the 'negative things' people were saying about her simply wasn't true and that refunds weren't available b/c she "cuts all the cloth immediately after receiving the order", yet when I wrote asking about my order she responded that her computer had crashed and what was the quantity, style and fabric that I had ordered... ? I resubmitted my order and waited... I was told she would be making my diapers over Easter weekend... but still nothing. I finally contacted my credit card company to find out what I could do about getting my money back. Then I got an email that my diapers would be sent out today... but no follow-up with a tracking number, so we'll see. I wanted to give a WAHM the benefit of the doubt, having been layed-off myself last summer, and trying to make ends meet, but this is bullsh*t. However, if I do receive my diapers, I will be the first one to repost.

  2. Of course I have to chime in! :)

    I ordered 10 custom diapers on 1/24/09...from an ad I saw on Craigslist. I was promised my dipes in 3 weeks. A month passed and I received an email stating she was behind due to an ice storm that left her without power. Fine.
    After that, I had received FOUR different emails in a span of SIX weeks stating my diapers were complete and to be shipped. I've sent her nice emails...and I've sent her nasty emails. The nasty one's get quite the response!
    Here is her response: (Oh and note it's been 14 weeks, and still no diapers!)
    "Hi. Don't you ever email me with that type of attitude. That will only get you IGNORED. I explained that I was behind due to weather. Sorry if it is something about that part that you don't understand. Say what you want. Nope the diapers are YOUR problem. So, if you want them, you better wait on them. So, if you don't like this TOUGH. Cause you say what you want and call whomever you'd like, I will gladly give you the number. I will also be reporting you to the Diaper Digout because of your attitude. So, you should be hearing from them soon. You won't be able to buy diapers anywhere ONLINE. Don't like that TOUGH.

    I get sick of you people thinking that emailing me with an attitude is gonna get your order to you ANY SOONER, because I can put your order back at the bottom. So, there once again the diapers are your problem. Call the better business bureau if you'd like. They will simply hang up on you. So go ahead and do what you want. If someone owes you something, its common sense to email them in a decent manner so that you will get what is owed to you. So wait until you get your items before you become a bitch,. "

    PLEASE PLEASE, report her to www.ic3.gov. I feel that if enough of us report her...someone will have to do something!

  3. I ordered one (thankfully just one) diaper from her in late January. I did not receive it until early March (6 weeks had passed). She said she was w/out power for 10 days, which I understood, but then by week 4, she claimed it had been lost in the mail and returned to her, but having heard that same line from many others, I now believe that was a lie. When I rec'd the diaper it was not what I ordered at all. I ordered a fitted and she sent me a pocket with PUL. My son is allergic to PUL so we were not able to use it. The quality was not as expected, but I guess if I'm paying $5 for a diaper, what should I expect? I tell you no matter how much money you spend on something, whether its a quarter or five thousand dollars, its your money and you expect good quality and good customer service. Her customer service was terrible after that. Seems she was a fair weather seller - so long as everything is fine, she's fine. But the minute you raise a complaint, she becomes very rude and unwilling to help. She denied she sent me the wrong thing and never offered a refund. She did offer an exchange, but after it taking 6 weeks and the quality of the diaper, I didn't want a replacement. She kept me on her mailing list and I kept seeing these cover up emails she was sending out in mass. I called her out on her scams and then she threatened to report me for harassment and slander. She reported me to some yahoo group, Diaper Digout. We exchanged several nasty emails which finally ended. But then a few weeks passed and yet another mass email surfaced from her. I couldn't take it. I went off on her and told her I was reporting her to the FBI and local authorities if she did not remove me from her mailing list. I have not heard from her since. Thank God. I never want to have to deal with someone like that again! I've heard so many people get absolutely screwed over by her. And though my story isn't as bad as some of what you all have experienced, it just goes to show her character and the repeating lies she's been handing all of us. I would like to see her business shut down so she is unable to scam anyone else.

  4. I ordered from this woman about 9 weeks ago. I have not, nor will I ever get my diapers. When I had asked about my order, she would always say she was shipping the next Monday, but they would never come. I have asked for a refund and she said she would do that in the order my payment was received by her. It doesnt take that long to process refunds. One afternoon would do it. Anyway, after asking for a refund, she sent several nasty emails to me. Her paypal account is registered to Talisha Hernandez. So when I sent a paypal money request that was the name on the request. She got really mad that about that and said her name is "TeeChea" and she knows nothing about that name. Thats even the name her website is registered to. She's crazy! She also used a fake address and phone number when registering with paypal. I did find out her cell phone number and when I called and told her what I wanted, she hung up on me. Later I called and talked to a man and asked for Talisha. He said she wasnt home, so it is indeed the right number. She is a liar and scammer. I dont think I'll ever see my money.

  5. I ordered 5 AIO's on Feb 21st, 2009. I have not received any diapers. I have emailed her countless times requesting an update as she promises on her website. I have gotten responses of "Your order will ship out next week. But I've gotten the same emil 6 weeks in a row!! Yesterday I got an email that she shipped them and would email the DC# later that day. Well, she has not emailed it to me yet. And will not respond to my email asking her for it. I have a feeling that she has not made them and is lying about shipping them. I am scared she will just say they got lost in the mail and it's not her problem.
    I called ehr cell phone number, and she hung up on me as soon as I mentioned who I was and why I was calling. I also posted reviews on her website, but she deletes them or changes the wording. And then she says that I am scamming her!!??!! HUH???
    I am so mad at this evil woman. She has my money, and my diapers, and she makes me sick!!

  6. You're not going to believe this...but I just googled Ladys and Lads boutique...and I think she's trying to open up another store via hyenacart.com!!!

  7. I just sent a note to Karen at Hyena Cart BEGGING her to please shut down Ladys and Lads! I gave her this site to come look at the proof...

  8. The hyenacart.com site has actually been up for a couple of months. I think she must have started it and then never finished it. I think it's a great idea that you let the people at Hyena Cart know what kind of buissiness Ladys and Lads is, though. Thanks!

  9. Filed with PayPal (even though it's over 45 days, still wanted to file a complaint), and the IC3 today. Wasn't sure if I had the old phone # attached to PayPal (that was fake) or the current cell, but I put it in anyway. I put a copy of this web address in the "witnesses" section. I also included information from http://whois.net/whois/ladysandladsboutique.com even though it's not Kentucky. I figured it couldn't hurt to pass it along.

    Keep 'em coming, ladies! The more information they have the better! :) from SenoraE

  10. Hi all! Well, I too am a very frustrated & furious scammed customer just like you. Same story as everyonen else: saw an ad on the Portland, OR CL & purchased 10 diapers ($62)via Paypal from Ladysandladsboutique on 2/13/09(what a true FRIDAY THE 13th that turned out to be) and never received a thing nor will I ever :-( Like all of you I received several emails from her ranging from explanations of why the diapers were taking so long to emails firing off her mouth at those who were posting nasty things about her on the cloth diaper community boards.

    Flash forward to last week and that's when everything got ugly. She had sent out an email to people saying, "If you don't want to wait, ask for a refund" so I did. When I never heard back from her I got nervous so I started searcing for info on the net about her. I found warnings galore on CL, Diaperswappers, etc and decided to report her to IC3, FTC, her vstore, paypal and my local police as well as post warnings on CL. So glad I did as I've had a lot of response from mamas who'd been ripped off by her who emailed to thank me for spreading the word about this wicked woman. I even had the police officer who took my report say she saw my DIAPER SCAM - BEWARE!!! post on CL - yahooooo!!!! The word is out Teechea or Talisha or whoever you are!!!!

    I've also posted a negative review on her ladysandlads site and it's STILL THERE along with about 5 other scathing reviews. Keep 'em coming people!! Let's get this woman behind bars!!!

    How can we find out where she really is and get the police and/or local news involved??

  11. Here is another place to report her to:
    It's for any crime on the internet, not just spam.

  12. I received a few emails last night from Talisha pretending to be a paralegal from Illinois. I knew it was from her because it was the same IP address she uses. And it was from a yahoo email address and very, very unprofessional. Anyway, she threatened to sue me for creating this blog, which you all know, I didn't. She claimed it was illegal to post a sellers address on the interenet. She's just getting scared. That's not even true. Once you start operating a business from your home, you lose that privacy. It's like saying it's illegal to post Applebee's address. She also claimed I was guilty of slander, but of course, I've never said anything untrue about her. Maybe she should get back to work sewing and not coming up with new aliases.

  13. Hello,
    Here are two emails from Hyena Cart(TeeChea's next website). I urge you ALL to respond!

    "Also, could you ask anyone who has unresolved transactions with this seller to contact us at support@hyenacart.com? Thanks."

    As well as this one:
    It would also be helpful if you would all be willing to send screenshots of your unresolved transactions page on Paypal to payments@hyenacart.com (not the helpdesk -- attachments don't work here). If I am to enforce this suspension, I need fairly hard evidence that this seller has cheated customers in the past."

  14. The Prep and Posh store has no prices listed on the merchandise. It looks like that site is shutting down also.

  15. I GOT MY DIAPERS!!! Fist of all, she claimed she was sending them several times. Then clamied to have sent them on May 7th, but the post mark is May 11th. Nearly 3 months after I ordered them!! The address I have on the "package" is:
    PO BOX 3817
    Paducah, KY 42002-3817
    The delivery confirmation # was never emailed to me. However, it was on the package. I tracked it back to the post office in Paducah.

    And not on to the actual dipers themselves...
    4 out of 5were the fabric i picke dout. The 5th one was copletely weird. It felt very hard and stiff. So I cut it open and guess what's inside??? A TABLE CLOTH!!!!!!!! Hmmmm, sound familiar??? They hav a faint smell of cigarette, but mostly just mell musky. The other have PUL inside, but it's only a strip of PUL. The soaker is 1-3 layers of whatever fabric she had laying around. The stiching isn't bad. 4 of them are actually not terrible, for $5 anyways. i would NOT consider them to be AIO's (which is what I ordered) but more like fitteds. The main thing wrong with them is that they tabs are not long enough to fit around a baby's body to velcro them to the front. So even if they were the best materials, they still would be unuseable. I will post pictures soon.

  16. Mamba, I see prices on everything at Prep and Posh. Perhaps you were looking at the "gallery" page?

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. awww, man, my pictures didnt work. How do I get them to show up?

  19. No problem - I'm putting them up on the main page anyway. :)

  20. Toree, I deleted the comment you posted with the photos because the picture of your package clearly showed your address and I want to protect your privacy. I did post the pictures on the main page with your address blocked out, though. Of course, feel free to re-post the links to the other photos, if you like. (I don't have the ability to edit the comments, or I would have just removed that link.)

  21. I also got my diapers today. I am totally shocked since they were shipped on the same day she sent the threatening emails to me. None were what I ordered. She sent a note saying she could no longer use PUL due to copyright issues. I think it has more to do with not wanting to pay for the material. So now I have to buy diaper covers if I want to use them. They also smell real strong of smoke, just having them in my kitchen makes me nauseous when I walk in. And they dont have velro on them, just diaper pins. I haven't tried them on him yet so I don't know if they fit. I suppose I certainly got what I paid for, though I would have never ordered them if I knew they were like this.

  22. don't want to divulge more than is appropriate since there is an open dispute with paypal- but I don't think that shutting down her website is going to stop the criminal- seems like someone has been operating like Talisha for a while now- check out this thread and scroll to the last post-hmm

  23. this thread-http://www.diaperswappers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=531686&highlight=rumpycushions

  24. OMG. Google that store to read a LOT of scathing reviews / complains. http://clothdiapermamas.com/2008/08/this-is-your-chance-giveaway/ also has the WAHM of 6 / owner of RC being named Talisha. Strangely enough, whois.net also has rumpycushions.com being started with a PO box in Sunnyvale, CA (just like the original Ladys and Lads). http://www.whois.net/whois/rumpycushions.com

  25. WARNING!!! Talisha started her own retalitory blogspot http://diaperbuyers.blogspot.com and has posted very erroneous information about me along with all my identifying information such as my name, address, email and cell number. She has also lised all of your names, which just blows my mind as we were all the ones who were ripped off by her. She says that I've been reported the google, craigslist, etc and that I have defamed her grandmother. Huh???

    Anyway, I have flagged her blog for listing my personal information and defamation/libel. Finally, someone actually gets use these terms ACCURATELY!!!!! If you see your name on their please also flag her blogspot so we can get her to shut up. She is so friggin' twisted it's ridiculous!!!!

  26. I too got an email with that www.diaperbuyers.blogspot.com from a clothlover@ymail.com. My name is listed under the "not sure what happened with these people, but here they are" list. It says that a seller's grandma is filing a defamation of character lawsuit against whoever started THIS blog. Huh? How can a seller's grandmother file defamation against a blog??? I'm confused. LOL.

  27. I have a similar story about TeeChea, I would love to share but only have a few minutes, perhaps I will get around to this later. My husband suggested that everyone involved file a class action law suit against her. This seems like the easiest and quickest way to ensure justice; that she be charged with her crimes, the inviduals involved compensated, and no others scammed. Would anyone else be interested in this? I am definitely on board.

    Also, I think TeeChea is aware of this website...

  28. There are more post on Talisha's blog today, and oh my goodness, the grammer is SOOOO bad. You have to read everything over and over to figure out what she's trying to say, and even then it usually doesn't make sense.

  29. I tried to post this to that womans webpage but for some reason it went poof! I wonder why?? I have done business with Lorena since her child was born and still do business with her. If you are the WAHM that made the diapers that she showed me then in fact I have to say I would not pay a dime for those and you should be embarrassed to be trying to sell them. You HAVE to know in your heart that you are not a professional? Owning a sewing machine and buying some supplies DOES NOT qualify you or somehow teach you to sew properly. I normally make Lorena’s’ diapers but have been taking a break for a couple of months now so I told her to order from a WAHM….my mistake. After her interaction with you I told her until I am back sewing to order some Bum Genius 3.0’s and she did…not a single problem with my diapers or the mass produced ones she actually got so who is to blame here?
    And was there not a issue with shipping and it taking you forever to make what she did get as well? You did not send the entire order? You only did part of it!! Did you do delivery confirmation on it? If so where is that number? Will the weight of the one package received match both of her orderes?
    My diapers are much higher end than yours and she has always paid me promptly with no issues. So if she was going to try to scam would she not do it for something a tad higher priced?? Maybe you should check your reviews of your "company"...and not be insulted; it is people stating the facts. Lorena took pictures of what she got from you and all I can say is you really, really need some sewing lessons. People do not want cheap, horribly made products. They want and will come back for more of a well made product even if it is priced much high than the cheap one…..you get what you pay for,
    It is wrong of you to try to post people's names on here while hiding your own...although I do know who you are and I have no issue outing you for your totally unprofessional actions. Do you realize these people you name could sue you, not that I think you have two dimes to rub together (and no, the internet is not some screen you can hide behind and IP addresses are tracked….)
    It is bad business to do what you are trying to do here…….and I will out you in the community…..but your reputation is already garbage so I am not sure that threat will make you rethink this. When customers file a “Juicy Apple” both sides are allowed to be told and English is Lorena’s second language so she is not comfortable giving her opinions online, nor is she that petty.
    Considering I know who/what WAHM business(plural) you are have you ever considered that I can run my happy tail right on over to DS or DP or CDN and look in the threads about your product and I bet you the names on you blog match those who have said the same things I have said about the things you made Lorena….It is not them…..it is you. Learn to sew, learn about diapers more than reading a online page or two…..
    And tell the truth….they approved her charge back against you for a reason….care to tell us why?
    You need to remove all of these people’s names or come out on this page and give them the chance to have their side….I would think hitting the delete key on you blog might be better business sense….once you learn to sew.
    Do you really want me to go post photos she sent me???

    Prep and Posh IS the same person...gee, you would think she could have been a bit more creative with her garbage, so called diapers.

    If the owner of this blog would like to verify what I have said I am more than willing to tell her exactly who I am but I am scared of MY reaction if that nutcase was to be so stupid as to post my home address which is simple to find.

    I reported her blog as well. even though my information is no where near it...I am not too sure if they care since I am not on her little hit list.
    She is really off her rocker I believe...

  30. If you would like to contact me privately, you can email me at ladysandladsboutiquetookmymoney@yahoo.com

  31. I'm Lorena, prepandposh is accusing me of being a liar, scammer and lots of BS: after 2 months I received the horrible "pillows diapers" from her, but just because I threaten her to begin a dispute against her for not accomplish with her word about the shipping time. It took her way longer than the time she promised. I received one order and never received the second order (thank God). The credit card company said that she will need to prove that she sent it to us and provide them the tracking number she was supposed to mail me. Not only she could not prove it to pay pal but since she is so pissed that we got our money back she is telling a bunch of lies about me. She claimed the whole time that she shipped the entire order. She is a liar and I can prove it I still have the Priority Mail envelope. There is no way in the world to fit 4 bulky monsters and 5 AIO's in it. I donated the "diaper pillows" that did come from the one purchase from her to Miracle Diaper. This person DOES NOT KNOW how to make cloth diapers. She is rude and ignorant. And I do not care at all that she is telling other WAHM not to sell to me because after the person who sold me pocket diapers made with vinyl and not with pul and after this calamity my husband and me are NEVER EVER going to buy cloth diapers from a WAHM anymore. I'm stuck just with my "regular" seller who is honest and knows how to sew. And well known companies who sells brand name diapers. I imagine that whoever who pay atention to her stupid ad is the same as her. Untrusty person. She is a shame for the rest of honest people who are trying to make good bussiness.

  32. Looked on Prep & Posh's website and it says that her All-In-One diapers require a cover. What the heck?! Doesn't all-in-one mean that it's ALL in ONE / no cover necessary?! It also says, sewn-in soaker, just add a cover and you're ready! Isn't that just a fitted diaper and NOT an all-in-one?

  33. I have been sscammed by Prep and Posh to the tune of $300! I would have never of known it if it hadn't of been for whom ever posted the warning on CL. I will ever recover my money nor does it sound like I would even want the dipes in my home (too hard to look at- a reminder of my stupidity). I am doing my best to warn other CDing mommas out there.

    In my efforts I have come across others that have actually recieved their dipes but they were so substandard that they had to either spend extra money to get them fixed or just toss them.I am sure I will find more.

    There is a connection between Prep and Posh and Lad's and Lady's.It just needs to be found!

  34. so has anyone got their money back? i ordered 7 diapers back in febuary and never got them. she sent an email a month ago saying i could either wait or get my refund and i said then if i was close to the top, i would like the diapers, but not the girl ones becuase my daughter is now potty trained. still nothing, not even a responce to the previous email now. anyone report her to the BBB yet?

  35. i emailed them and got a vacation reply-

    Sorry. We are busy sewing!!!

    Due to the extreme amounts of rude emails that we have received lately, we have decided to limit use of this email address and and limit responses to maintain our composure.

    We also do not have alot of time to answer emails as we are busy trying to catch up on diaper orders.

    You are welcome to send your message, but please know that you most likely will not receive an immediate reply.

    Everyone will receive an email once the order has been processed. All orders will be completed within the next 3 weeks.

    So within 3 weeks, no customers will be waiting on diapers anymore.

    If you feel your message is urgent,please note "Urgent" in the subject line. thank you

  36. I got a letter from my credit card company today saying they have refunded my money-meaning they ate the loss, but at least I got my money back.

    Here's my sordid tale: I ordered 20 diapers and the next day got the weird email about "been behind on orders..." I immedietly filed with paypal and cc company and asked her to cancel the order, she actually offered to do so and that was the last I heard form her.

    Until I received one diaper in the mail- complete with stale smoke smell. It went to the garage until I could send it back. Talisha refused the package so it got sent back to me. I decided, I paid for the shipping and delivery confirmation, so I' make use of the diaper, after a decent wash and air dry, I put it on DD as a naptime diaper during potty training transition. She woke up and I asked her if she was wet, she said yes, but sheets were dry and for the most part, so was the diaper- maybe I actually got an ok diaper. Anyhow, I'm so glad I only have the one! The sewing is horrendous and it's egnormongous, and who knows what lies beneath? I won't dare machine dry it.

    So glad for this site because I informed cc company of this blog and days later got my money back from them.

    It seems from her blog that she may actually think she is not a criminal, maybe she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. Nonetheless, she will pay for her crimes- either in prison or the great hereafter- no doubt at the least she is a liar as her email to me stated she was a homeschooling mother of 8 and her blog profile says she is a mother of 2. So whatever, she'll pay for her crimes, I hope she repents though and stops defrauding people, it's just not nice.

  37. Good morning ladies. It's me Lorena, you know, Lydia Shellins from Prepandposh is saying that I'm a scammer and stuff. I'm trying to post some pics so you all can see how is impossible to fit 4 bulky monsters and a cover and 5 aios in the same priority mail envelope. That lier knows that she DOES NOT HAVE any tracking number for the aio's order that she claims she sent (of course she did not) and I can glady show you all as well the not simetric cover she makes, and the horrible diapers she makes. I have no idea if posting pics are allowed.

  38. Posting pictures is definitely allowed! They are always a huge help. Please make sure if you post a picture of the package that you black out your name and address so that you can maintain your privacy. Thank you!

  39. Help me I do not know how to post the pics. Sorry! And by the way for the lady who is saying that she think that this 2 are the same companies: The same day that I received the ONLY tracking number from Lydia Shellings from Prepandposh, I got another email from lady boutique (I did not purchase from L.B) and in her email she was offering the return for whatever late order. I replied because was obvious that my second order was not done. Later on they both told me "I do not know that prepandposh" "oh I have no idea what are you talking about" and I told Lydia hey do not try to be dishonest you know that there is a second order ($35.00) that you never shipped. And she keep saying (until this day) that she shipped it to me. Pay pal can prove this false statement easily because she used their service to ship the horrible bulky monsters. Not only WE GOT OUR MONEY BACK, but I told her that she should feel ashame of the kind of disasters she sells. The woman got pissed and post an ilegal blog using my info. All she wrote is just a bunch of B.S

  40. The easiest way is probably to upload your picures onto a photo hosting site like www.photobucket.com and then just include a link to each picture in your post.

  41. I ripped into one of my AIO's and took some pictures:


    At least everyone who did not recieve their AIO's didn't waste the water and detergent to prep these "diapers" and wash all the soiled baby clothes that have resulted from their use =(

  42. Ok ladies, I hope I did a good job posting the pics. Take a look please. http://s671.photobucket.com/albums/vv76/SunnySpring/

  43. I just checked on Talisha's blog and it has been taken down by blogger. Yeah!!! When is she going to learn to follow rules?!

  44. I ordered my daughter and foster son 5 diapers 4-5 months ago, and still have received nothing. I saw an ad on Eugene, OR craigslist site and decided to try the diapers. Like several others she has promised I was "next on her list" several times, and even told me she shipped them. That was 6 weeks ago. The last email I sent told her I didn't receive them and if she did send them to please forward a tracking number and if not I wanted a refund. Surprise!! No response! Just glad I am only 30.00 out, and not more. She needs to be stopped!

  45. so.. i sent her a paypal money request for the refund amount... and guess what? now my paypal account has been locked. i can gurantee se had something to do with it. im going to have to call when i get off work >:[

  46. I just found out that the ladysandlads website was shut down! I am in the process of getting prepandposh site down so I hope this brings someone a little smile. If you have had and issue with them than you to can go to http://www.vstore.ca/helpdesk/web.php and open a trouble ticket. They are very eager to get this resolved!

  47. I wish the vstore.ca people can access to this blog and read by themselves...I tried to open a trouble ticket and they are asking me for a site address...I do not know what is that about. Sorry, not so good for internet...anyway if the person who is suggesting us to open a trouble ticket can help us more that will be great!!!
    ( I do not have any site address)

  48. They are probably asking for the prep and posh site address, which would be www.prepandposh.vstore.ca

  49. Thanks for the info.
    I have already submited my complain, my bad experience with Prep and Posh. To the vstore. I hope this can really mean something for those moms and dads who have lost money with this bad sellers. We also lost money.

  50. Hey ladies and gentleman. I told you guys that yesterday I told my bad experience with prep and posh to the Vstore.ca. Well I got a response from them.(I deleted the name of the person who sent me the email).

    *Thanks for letting us know. We have suspended the store while we investigate further*

    It seems that finally justice is being done!!!
    Thanks for the lady who openened this blog.

  51. Teechea stole $16.50 from me, has anybody successfully gotten their money back? Any ideas?

  52. Why don't you send a copy of all this blog coments to your credit card company or pay pal? I told my credit card company that lydia shellins from prep and posh has terrible reviews for her company. And that it seems that she is used to do that kind of crap to her naives clients. Along with all the proves we had of her trying to rip us off $35.00 in never sent products.

  53. Hi everyone, I too have been scammed by TeeChea. I just discovered this blog site yesterday (I'm behind the game a little). My story is identical to all of yours--I ordered diapers in February andhavent seen them yet. While I
    too late to file a claim with Paypal, I will still inform them of the fraud. I have reported the business to ic3.gov as recommended. Has anyone recieved any kind of response from them?

    Next, I also reported her (reported her as TeeChea) to the KY Better Business Bureau. I used the address ( the PO Box) that is written in the picture of the diaper package that was recieved by another follower of the blog. I figure that narrows us down at least. I would recommend that you all do the same. Just Google BBB and follow the steps for submitting a complaint. It's very easy--takes about 5 minutes. Using the Paducah KY address at least gets some local attention.

    Now, has anyone contacted the Paducah police department? Or is anyone following this blog actually close to Paducah? That might get us closer to really finding out who she is and getting her stopped. If anyone has any answers, let us know. This is an awesome site--thanks for putting it up!

  54. guess what i found out mz con artist got a myspace page lol

  55. The address that was posted is 100% accurate. 4131 Clarks River road is a mobile home park and the Lot # is 425. The two women named are related and live in the same home. My sources are confirmed to be 100% accurate.

  56. ha! We knew it! Does someone knows if these women are going to be finally stopped of having bussiness online?

  57. I want to start by saying that you are all on track thinking this lady is a scam artist. Talisha Hernandez is also known as Talisha Hoover, married to Jody Hoover (who "helps" make the diapers. Her sister is Daphne Hernandez and lives with them in a trailor park in Paducah Ky and "helps" them make diapers. Her husband has been in trouble in the past few years for stealing from the company he works for (he drives a truck). Daphne is rumored to meet men online (preferrably well-off men) and use them for a money train as long as she can. They have several children none whom have been enrolled in school, ever been on any type of assistance because she doesnt want them in the system. All I can say is BEWARE!!!

  58. If any of you still have the email for the reporter in Paducah that wanted to do a story on Talisha, perhaps you could forward this recent infomation to her. Maybe we could finally get her stopped.

  59. Now that we have an exact address and accurate name, someone needs to call the police in Paducah again. I can't, since she actually mailed me a product, crappy as it was. But I know the police man I talked to a while ago was very interested in finding this woman.

  60. Again, I will say that you are all on the right track. I cannot reveal how I know so much but suffice it to say that my knowledge is 100% accurate. I urge you ALL to contact the Paducah Police to file complaints. Also be forewarned that they will probably take off the moment they get wind of police or news involvement. And fyi Talisha Hernandez (Hoover) is from Jackson,MS originally if that helps.

  61. According to my sources, these people actually live in TX. So I am not sure about the addresses at all. Be careful though because if nobody can prove that these people are actually scamming, then you all could get in trouble for filing a false police report. It happened to a friend of mine that bought some clothes off of Ebay. She never got the clothes and accused the lady of stealing from her. She filed a police report and in the end, the Ebay seller was ill. My friend was then charged with filing a false police report. She got into alot of non-sense trouble with the courts. Some people did get diapers right? So it would be hard to prove that the lady is scamming.

  62. To Anonymous, you seem to know alot. I think you may be a family member. If you are, I think that it is not right for you to be here smearing your family. People just want their diaper orders. That is understandable. We get impatient. I did get mine after waiting awhile. I would never get on here and tell information about my family. What do the kids have to do with this situation anyway?

  63. It is a small world ain't it. After doing a little digging and using my amazing computer skills, I found out that "Anonymous" is actually (drumroll please), Carlos Antonio Hernandez and Darnica "Nikki" Wynn Hernandez. They run a business called Dynakleen Services at 3198 Whitten Rd # A or #C, Jackson, MS 39212. Look at this comment about Carlos in the newspaper in Jackson:


    Notice the first comment after the article. lol
    It seems wierd that he would actually rat out his relatives in this way.

    Heres another one too on Yahoo:


    And 2 on Craigslist: http://jackson.craigslist.org/hss/1313204343.html



    All I can say is that this is too strange for me. Can we all just get some diapers please?

  64. they are also related to a bethany fillamore aka daphne hernandez related to all those damn ppl and she on chicago craiglist offering to make diapers again for as low as $4.80....

  65. here's a posting on craigslist:


    From: "Bethany Fillamore" bethanyfillamore@ymail.com

    just wanted to let you know that you should be careful about slandering someones name online. Can you prove that someone was scammed? NO. Without 100% proof, it is considered slander and defamation in a court of law. I will sue you, I promise you that. I already know who you are and I know your address, so I know where to have the papers served to you at. You are smearing my business name and causing me loss of wages. There is a law against that, you BITCH. Your product was sent, NOT my problem if you did not get it.

    So, I just want to give you a heads up on the lawsuit. Which I know that I will win without a doubt. Cause I have proof of you slandering and defaming me on cragislist. If you do not pay the amount granted to me by a judge, you or your spouses wages could be garnised, home can have a lien placed, vehicle seized by the courts, until you pay the judgement.

    You should be careful when you go around saying things about people that are not true. I am also in the process of contacting craigslist. They will assist the courts and police with anything that they need. Including your IP address if they request it. I will be in touch with your local courts by tomorrow morning.

    courtesy of bethany fillamore aka dee/daphne hernandez

  66. that sux cause i ordered 5 diapers from prep and posh and never received nothing and i emailed ms daphne hernandez she said she was behind orders.... and never heard from the conartist since.. emailed and emailed never received no tracking number until i decided to google her and found this website....i never knew people were so that damn conniving!!! i decided to cloth diaper since im a part time working parent id thought it be cheaper and save on disposables in the end a lot of people and myself got ripped off and trying to get the sales on disposables since i lost my trust in some of the people who sell online i dont know who is gonna be a scammer or not...i hate that she makes me feel this way.. but kharma is gonna rear its ugly face...and when she does we as parents will have the last laugh.

  67. mmm...weirdy...when I had the disgrace to buy horrible diapers from prep and posh the owner was suppose to be L.S. Never a D.H wrote me. Now I now L.S does not exists...is funny how now she decided to operate the bussiness using her real name. Is also funny how she had the nerve to say that the lady who posted the ad (trying to save others from them!) has not a 100% proof. In my case for example, she sent me a non working tracking number using paypal and I still have the medium size shipping envelope that she used to sent the 5 horrible bulky mosters. (impossible to fit 10 pieces in the same envelope. Is not even a box) All she had to do in my case to prove me wrong is showing me the mailing confirmation # of the never sent second order(which of course does not exist) I can not beleive that they have the nerve to still be in the bussiness. I really feel sorry of all that people that are still buying from all of them...I only have one word for all of them: KHARMA.

  68. Just wondered if anyone has contacted the post office? I think this may fit the definition of mail fraud which is a federal offense.

    Perhaps everyone who has not recieved their order should file a complaint with the post office.

  69. http://postalinspectors.uspis.gov

  70. TODAY TeeChea canceled my reimbursement request that I made via PayPal MONTHS ago. I made the request because SHE emailed me that she would be happy to return my money since she was so far behind. I am FUMING MAD again!!!

  71. Shes started up her ridiculous blog again again posting erroneous info and dont sell to these people! Like Im sure anyone cares, including me. :)


    As someone stated before, everyone who has false tracking numbers should contact their post office and make a complaint.

  72. Well in my case, I've already expend hundreds of dollars on Bumbgenius 3V and purchased them WITHOUT any problem at all. ONLINE. And after this very bad experiencies we are NEVER EVER buy from a WAHM again and advice all the people I know to go straight to WELL KNOWN sellers! and stay clear of WAHM!!!! (except from my dear usual seller) so I do not care if this silly woman keeps lying. My credit card company DID NOT BELEIVE HER and gave us our money that she tried to STEAL!!!!! And I bet that if someone actually beleive in her lil' crappy stories about us must be the same as her...

  73. So what's really going on here? Has anyone actually attempted to file charges against this woman? It has been months since I was ripped off for $78.00, and I have been wondering if it is even worth it to attempt to file a complaint.

  74. I'll file a complaint if I can figure out who to make it against...

  75. I ordered 12 diapers and 12 doublers in January. 10 custom and 2 premade AIOs. The 2 premade diapers came about 2 weeks after I placed my order (and paid in full) but I have yet to receive the other diapers. I used them on my twins and found they leaked easily. I figured since I had already paid for the other 10 diapers I might as well just order some doublers to go with them in hopes that would fix the problem. Little did I know that 8 months later I still would not have my other 10 diapers or my doublers. I have no idea how to file a claim against this seller. I had trouble with paypal (I've never had trouble with paypal before so now I wonder if it was a problem on her end) so I sent her a money order for the diapers and doublers. Any suggestions?

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  77. In February or March I ordered two AIOs from this lady. I received a couple of emails that she was several weeks behind due to an ice storm leaving her without electric for several days. Fine, I'm ok with with that. It took about 3 months to get the two diapers, that were shipped in Christmas papers with clear packing take over it, they were cute on the outside. The inside was made of what looked like a very old, very used gray printed flannel sheet, when I washed them before use they immediately became somewhat misshapen. Still I thought I'd try them because you can't beat a $5 diaper, right? Oh yeah you can. These are the absolute worst diapers I've tried, my son would stay drier with a prefold and no cover...everything goes straight through them. After using each diaper once, I emailed this seller and asked her if there was anyway she could have gotten my diapers mixed up and not added the PUL, she assured me that they were made to my specifications and offered to sell me soakers for them. How's that for great customer service. I would never order from her again. All the emails she sent out for awhile about the negative comments, etc where very unprofessional and made her look just as shady as everything else she does. All of my son's diapers where in the dryer early and I had no choice but to use one these diapers and it made me mad all over again so I was glad to find this site and know I'm not the only one who was incredibly disappointed. Grrr. Thankfully, I only ordered two diapers but was ordering those two to try them out so that my cousin and I could see how well they worked before places an order for 20-30 each.

  78. I received my diapers after waiting for a couple of months. They were not too bad to say the least. So, I cannot call the police or file a report because I did get what I paid for. Anyway, this blog is immature. FYI

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  80. yes "gina", its very immature to want to get something you pay for..I think scamming people is immature and immoral..

  81. I ordered 10 last March and never got them, needless to say its been a busy year as a first time mom and I bought into all of her excuses like the power outage etc. Looks like I'm better off without them anyway. I can't believe someone would scam money out of mothers and babies. This lady is sick. I hope she gets stopped. I believe in karma.
