...or at least trying to start trouble again. She posted a comment on this site which said, and I quote: "LINDSAY HARRISON IS GOING TO JAIL FOR POSTING FALSE INFORMATION ON GOOGLE". And apparently she has voted in the poll as well (note the one single "satisfied" vote).
The funny thing is, do to circumstances beyond my control, I have not been posting on this blog for quite some time, but apparently even the silent presence of this site offends her enough to demand her immediate action. And in true Talisha form, the action comes in the form of idle threats and random accusations. First of all, I must ask once again, what exactly makes her think that my name is Lindsay Harrison? As you'll remember, this is not the first time Talisha has been "certain" that she knows my name. Also, as it says at the very top of this page, defamation of character is only a viable cause for a lawsuit if the person making the defaming comments knows they are lies. However, everything on this site is, to the best of my knowledge, absolutely true. And even if everything was false, Talisha would have every right to sue, not put someone in jail.
Of course, in the midst of all this, you can always count on Talisha to provide a good chuckle. Just how, may I ask you, does someone post "on Google"? Anyone?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
New Updates from Talisha
There have been a couple of updates to Talisha's new blog today. Now she's trying to use innuendo to threaten one poor woman, still claiming that it is that woman who runs "her blog" (this site) with other "scamming women", which is not the case. Then, exactly 35 minutes later, Talisha suddenly comes up with another person to accuse. What happened to "CONCRETE evidence based on her IP address"? (That phrase has conveniently been removed from Talisha's site - however you can still see a mention of "the blog" regarding the "grandmother" lawsuit in the first post). I wonder why she thinks anyone believes her anymore, after she's changed her story so many times.
When it comes down to it, Talisha says she's just doing the same thing in her blog as I have done in this one. There are, of course some major differences. The primary one is that of purpose. The purpose of this site is to share information about Ladys and Lads in order to prevent other buyers from getting scammed and hopefully to enable those who were scammed to recover what they lost. The purpose of Talisha's blog is purely revenge. She gains nothing by posting people's personal information except the satisfaction of harming others. Neither is anything gained by the cloth diapering community, since the buyers she names paid their money in full and never received the product, or if they did, it was one far inferior to what was promised to them. Another big difference, obviously, is that this site attempts to tell the truth, while her site makes claims she knows to be untrue, purely with the intent of harming others. That is the very deffinition of defaming statements.
Here is what one poster has to say about it:
"I tried to post this to that woman's webpage but for some reason it went poof! I wonder why?? I have done business with Lorena since her child was born and still do business with her. If you are the WAHM that made the diapers that she showed me then in fact I have to say I would not pay a dime for those and you should be embarrassed to be trying to sell them. You HAVE to know in your heart that you are not a professional? Owning a sewing machine and buying some supplies DOES NOT qualify you or somehow teach you to sew properly. I normally make Lorena’s’ diapers but have been taking a break for a couple of months now so I told her to order from a WAHM….my mistake. After her interaction with you I told her until I am back sewing to order some Bum Genius 3.0’s and she did…not a single problem with my diapers or the mass produced ones she actually got so who is to blame here?
And was there not a issue with shipping and it taking you forever to make what she did get as well? You did not send the entire order? You only did part of it!! Did you do delivery confirmation on it? If so where is that number? Will the weight of the one package received match both of her orderes?
My diapers are much higher end than yours and she has always paid me promptly with no issues. So if she was going to try to scam would she not do it for something a tad higher priced?? Maybe you should check your reviews of your "company"...and not be insulted; it is people stating the facts. Lorena took pictures of what she got from you and all I can say is you really, really need some sewing lessons. People do not want cheap, horribly made products. They want and will come back for more of a well made product even if it is priced much high than the cheap one…..you get what you pay for.
It is wrong of you to try to post people's names on here while hiding your own...although I do know who you are and I have no issue outing you for your totally unprofessional actions. Do you realize these people you name could sue you, not that I think you have two dimes to rub together (and no, the internet is not some screen you can hide behind and IP addresses are tracked….)
It is bad business to do what you are trying to do here…….and I will out you in the community…..but your reputation is already garbage so I am not sure that threat will make you rethink this. When customers file a “Juicy Apple” both sides are allowed to be told and English is Lorena’s second language so she is not comfortable giving her opinions online, nor is she that petty.
Considering I know who/what WAHM business(plural) you are have you ever considered that I can run my happy tail right on over to DS or DP or CDN and look in the threads about your product and I bet you the names on you blog match those who have said the same things I have said about the things you made Lorena….It is not them…..it is you. Learn to sew, learn about diapers more than reading a online page or two…..
And tell the truth….they approved her charge back against you for a reason….care to tell us why?
You need to remove all of these people’s names or come out on this page and give them the chance to have their side….I would think hitting the delete key on you blog might be better business sense….once you learn to sew.
Do you really want me to go post photos she sent me???
I reported her blog as well. even though my information is no where near it...I am not too sure if they care since I am not on her little hit list.
She is really off her rocker I believe... "
When it comes down to it, Talisha says she's just doing the same thing in her blog as I have done in this one. There are, of course some major differences. The primary one is that of purpose. The purpose of this site is to share information about Ladys and Lads in order to prevent other buyers from getting scammed and hopefully to enable those who were scammed to recover what they lost. The purpose of Talisha's blog is purely revenge. She gains nothing by posting people's personal information except the satisfaction of harming others. Neither is anything gained by the cloth diapering community, since the buyers she names paid their money in full and never received the product, or if they did, it was one far inferior to what was promised to them. Another big difference, obviously, is that this site attempts to tell the truth, while her site makes claims she knows to be untrue, purely with the intent of harming others. That is the very deffinition of defaming statements.
Here is what one poster has to say about it:
"I tried to post this to that woman's webpage but for some reason it went poof! I wonder why?? I have done business with Lorena since her child was born and still do business with her. If you are the WAHM that made the diapers that she showed me then in fact I have to say I would not pay a dime for those and you should be embarrassed to be trying to sell them. You HAVE to know in your heart that you are not a professional? Owning a sewing machine and buying some supplies DOES NOT qualify you or somehow teach you to sew properly. I normally make Lorena’s’ diapers but have been taking a break for a couple of months now so I told her to order from a WAHM….my mistake. After her interaction with you I told her until I am back sewing to order some Bum Genius 3.0’s and she did…not a single problem with my diapers or the mass produced ones she actually got so who is to blame here?
And was there not a issue with shipping and it taking you forever to make what she did get as well? You did not send the entire order? You only did part of it!! Did you do delivery confirmation on it? If so where is that number? Will the weight of the one package received match both of her orderes?
My diapers are much higher end than yours and she has always paid me promptly with no issues. So if she was going to try to scam would she not do it for something a tad higher priced?? Maybe you should check your reviews of your "company"...and not be insulted; it is people stating the facts. Lorena took pictures of what she got from you and all I can say is you really, really need some sewing lessons. People do not want cheap, horribly made products. They want and will come back for more of a well made product even if it is priced much high than the cheap one…..you get what you pay for.
It is wrong of you to try to post people's names on here while hiding your own...although I do know who you are and I have no issue outing you for your totally unprofessional actions. Do you realize these people you name could sue you, not that I think you have two dimes to rub together (and no, the internet is not some screen you can hide behind and IP addresses are tracked….)
It is bad business to do what you are trying to do here…….and I will out you in the community…..but your reputation is already garbage so I am not sure that threat will make you rethink this. When customers file a “Juicy Apple” both sides are allowed to be told and English is Lorena’s second language so she is not comfortable giving her opinions online, nor is she that petty.
Considering I know who/what WAHM business(plural) you are have you ever considered that I can run my happy tail right on over to DS or DP or CDN and look in the threads about your product and I bet you the names on you blog match those who have said the same things I have said about the things you made Lorena….It is not them…..it is you. Learn to sew, learn about diapers more than reading a online page or two…..
And tell the truth….they approved her charge back against you for a reason….care to tell us why?
You need to remove all of these people’s names or come out on this page and give them the chance to have their side….I would think hitting the delete key on you blog might be better business sense….once you learn to sew.
Do you really want me to go post photos she sent me???
I reported her blog as well. even though my information is no where near it...I am not too sure if they care since I am not on her little hit list.
She is really off her rocker I believe... "
Friday, May 22, 2009
Another Rebound Site from Talisha
Skinner B. posted this information:
"WARNING!!! Talisha started her own retaliatory blogspot http://diaperbuyers.blogspot.com and has posted very erroneous information about me along with all my identifying information such as my name, address, email and cell number. She has also listed all of your names, which just blows my mind as we were all the ones who were ripped off by her. She says that I've been reported the Google, craigslist, etc and that I have defamed her grandmother. Huh???
Anyway, I have flagged her blog for listing my personal information and defamation/libel. Finally, someone actually gets use these terms ACCURATELY!!!!! If you see your name on their please also flag her blogspot so we can get her to shut up. She is so friggin' twisted it's ridiculous!!!!"
Another poster says:
"I too got an email with that www.diaperbuyers.blogspot.com from a clothlover@ymail.com. My name is listed under the "not sure what happened with these people, but here they are" list. It says that a seller's grandma is filing a defamation of character lawsuit against whoever started THIS blog. Huh? How can a seller's grandmother file defamation against a blog??? I'm confused. LOL."
Let me start out by saying, Talisha has proven once again that she has absolutely no idea who started this blog. I am not the person listed on her site as running this blog. She claims to have "CONCRETE proof that she created the blog based on her IP address". Sorry, sister, but you obviously need to find a new private investigator, because you're way off once again. "Based on her IP address"? Just saying the words "IP address" doesn't make it the truth. If you look up the IP address on a IP tracker, the address of this site is for the site's hosts - Blogger and Google - and it's the same exact IP address as Talisha's blog!
Oh, and you have to love "This is what we found by Googling her". Try it. If you Google Jennifer Thompson, you get a completely different address. This is obviously a lame attempt to come up with an explanation for having this person's information.
As far as the claim that these people "file a claim with Paypal after receiving product", Paypal has a specific category of claim for situations in which the product was received, but was significantly different than described". So filing a claim after the product is received may be fully justified.
The claim that posters on this site are reporting each other to Talisha is laughable. How could the three people who supposedly created this site have received all these tips in just the first 24 hours of the site's creation? And how would a poster on this site have private information on other people who posted here? This is clearly just Talisha trying to cause suspicion among the posters on this site so that fewer people will post and share information.
And don't even get me started about the claims regarding "a seller's grandmother". What would her grandmother have to do with anything? If this blog is about the seller, then why is the"grandmother" filing a defamation lawsuit, unless information about the "grandmother" is mentioned here? Does this prove our theory about a family connection between the addresses listed here, or between Ladys and Lads and Prep and Posh? And in case you were wondering, I have not been notified of any lawsuits brought against me yet.
All in all, this new blog of Talisha's just serves the same purpose that all of her other rebound sites have served: It makes her feel important, it makes her feel as though someone is listening to her, it gives us new hints about her name and location, it proves her poor spelling and grammar, and it uses up more of the time she should be using to sew diapers.
Oh, and if anyone knows how you can "report" someone to Google (honestly?), as Talisha claims to have done, please let me know.
"WARNING!!! Talisha started her own retaliatory blogspot http://diaperbuyers.blogspot.com and has posted very erroneous information about me along with all my identifying information such as my name, address, email and cell number. She has also listed all of your names, which just blows my mind as we were all the ones who were ripped off by her. She says that I've been reported the Google, craigslist, etc and that I have defamed her grandmother. Huh???
Anyway, I have flagged her blog for listing my personal information and defamation/libel. Finally, someone actually gets use these terms ACCURATELY!!!!! If you see your name on their please also flag her blogspot so we can get her to shut up. She is so friggin' twisted it's ridiculous!!!!"
Another poster says:
"I too got an email with that www.diaperbuyers.blogspot.com from a clothlover@ymail.com. My name is listed under the "not sure what happened with these people, but here they are" list. It says that a seller's grandma is filing a defamation of character lawsuit against whoever started THIS blog. Huh? How can a seller's grandmother file defamation against a blog??? I'm confused. LOL."
Let me start out by saying, Talisha has proven once again that she has absolutely no idea who started this blog. I am not the person listed on her site as running this blog. She claims to have "CONCRETE proof that she created the blog based on her IP address". Sorry, sister, but you obviously need to find a new private investigator, because you're way off once again. "Based on her IP address"? Just saying the words "IP address" doesn't make it the truth. If you look up the IP address on a IP tracker, the address of this site is for the site's hosts - Blogger and Google - and it's the same exact IP address as Talisha's blog!
Oh, and you have to love "This is what we found by Googling her". Try it. If you Google Jennifer Thompson, you get a completely different address. This is obviously a lame attempt to come up with an explanation for having this person's information.
As far as the claim that these people "file a claim with Paypal after receiving product", Paypal has a specific category of claim for situations in which the product was received, but was significantly different than described". So filing a claim after the product is received may be fully justified.
The claim that posters on this site are reporting each other to Talisha is laughable. How could the three people who supposedly created this site have received all these tips in just the first 24 hours of the site's creation? And how would a poster on this site have private information on other people who posted here? This is clearly just Talisha trying to cause suspicion among the posters on this site so that fewer people will post and share information.
And don't even get me started about the claims regarding "a seller's grandmother". What would her grandmother have to do with anything? If this blog is about the seller, then why is the"grandmother" filing a defamation lawsuit, unless information about the "grandmother" is mentioned here? Does this prove our theory about a family connection between the addresses listed here, or between Ladys and Lads and Prep and Posh? And in case you were wondering, I have not been notified of any lawsuits brought against me yet.
All in all, this new blog of Talisha's just serves the same purpose that all of her other rebound sites have served: It makes her feel important, it makes her feel as though someone is listening to her, it gives us new hints about her name and location, it proves her poor spelling and grammar, and it uses up more of the time she should be using to sew diapers.
Oh, and if anyone knows how you can "report" someone to Google (honestly?), as Talisha claims to have done, please let me know.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Site is Back Up
The Ladys and Lads site is back up again, still with no products, but with a brand new $5 "sale" starting this week. This just makes me sick.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
More Diaper Photos
Toree has recieved her diapers! Here's what she says:
"I GOT MY DIAPERS!!! Fist of all, she claimed she was sending them several times. Then claimed to have sent them on May 7th, but the post mark is May 11th. Nearly 3 months after I ordered them!! The address I have on the "package" is:
PO BOX 3817
Paducah, KY 42002-3817
Here is the "package" I got:

The delivery confirmation # was never emailed to me. However, it was on the package. I tracked it back to the post office in Paducah.
And now on to the actual diapers themselves...

4 out of 5 were the fabric i picked out. They have a faint smell of cigarette, but mostly just smell musky. The soaker is 1-3 layers of whatever fabric she had laying around.
Here are the two I cut open:

The 5th one was completely weird. It felt very hard and stiff. So I cut it open and guess what's inside??? A TABLE CLOTH!!!!!!!! Hmmmm, sound familiar??? Here is the inside of them. This one has a table cloth inside:

The others have PUL inside, but it's only a strip of PUL.
The stitching isn't bad. 4 of them are actually not terrible, for $5 anyways. i would NOT consider them to be AIO's (which is what I ordered) but more like fitteds. The main thing wrong with them is that they tabs are not long enough to fit around a baby's body to velcro them to the front. So even if they were the best materials, they still would be unusable."
Okay, folks. You may have heard rumors that there's a lady who sells $5 diapers online that are made with tablecloth material instead of PUL, and we might just have finally tracked her down. And what is that brown fabric that she lined the last diaper with, felt? Honestly? 100% polyester, water-resistant, non-washable, FELT? This is not just atrocious workmanship, it's false advertizing. Her website specifically says the soaker is 3 layers of flannel, which is really not nearly enough, anyway. (Not to mention the PUL she promised.) And this is not the first person I've heard from who hasn't even been able to put the diaper on their baby because the tabs won't fit. How do you decide to make diapers for sale without ever actually trying one of your diapers on a baby?
One last thing - I'v just become more convinced about the Prep and Posh connection. Not only has Prep and Posh been accused of using tablecloths instead of PUL, as we see happening here, but look at the velcro tabs. See the square of velcro on the outside of the tabs that's for crossing the tabs over one another on a small baby? None of the diapers pictured on Ladys and Lads have that. The ones on Prep and Posh do.
"I GOT MY DIAPERS!!! Fist of all, she claimed she was sending them several times. Then claimed to have sent them on May 7th, but the post mark is May 11th. Nearly 3 months after I ordered them!! The address I have on the "package" is:
PO BOX 3817
Paducah, KY 42002-3817
Here is the "package" I got:

The delivery confirmation # was never emailed to me. However, it was on the package. I tracked it back to the post office in Paducah.
And now on to the actual diapers themselves...

4 out of 5 were the fabric i picked out. They have a faint smell of cigarette, but mostly just smell musky. The soaker is 1-3 layers of whatever fabric she had laying around.
Here are the two I cut open:

The 5th one was completely weird. It felt very hard and stiff. So I cut it open and guess what's inside??? A TABLE CLOTH!!!!!!!! Hmmmm, sound familiar??? Here is the inside of them. This one has a table cloth inside:

The others have PUL inside, but it's only a strip of PUL.
The stitching isn't bad. 4 of them are actually not terrible, for $5 anyways. i would NOT consider them to be AIO's (which is what I ordered) but more like fitteds. The main thing wrong with them is that they tabs are not long enough to fit around a baby's body to velcro them to the front. So even if they were the best materials, they still would be unusable."
Okay, folks. You may have heard rumors that there's a lady who sells $5 diapers online that are made with tablecloth material instead of PUL, and we might just have finally tracked her down. And what is that brown fabric that she lined the last diaper with, felt? Honestly? 100% polyester, water-resistant, non-washable, FELT? This is not just atrocious workmanship, it's false advertizing. Her website specifically says the soaker is 3 layers of flannel, which is really not nearly enough, anyway. (Not to mention the PUL she promised.) And this is not the first person I've heard from who hasn't even been able to put the diaper on their baby because the tabs won't fit. How do you decide to make diapers for sale without ever actually trying one of your diapers on a baby?
One last thing - I'v just become more convinced about the Prep and Posh connection. Not only has Prep and Posh been accused of using tablecloths instead of PUL, as we see happening here, but look at the velcro tabs. See the square of velcro on the outside of the tabs that's for crossing the tabs over one another on a small baby? None of the diapers pictured on Ladys and Lads have that. The ones on Prep and Posh do.
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