Wednesday, May 6, 2009

An Order Received! Or Was It?

Here's another story that was posted today, from someone who actually ended up receiving a diaper:

"I ordered one (thankfully just one) diaper from her in late January. I did not receive it until early March (6 weeks had passed). She said she was w/out power for 10 days, which I understood, but then by week 4, she claimed it had been lost in the mail and returned to her, but having heard that same line from many others, I now believe that was a lie. When I rec'd the diaper it was not what I ordered at all. I ordered a fitted and she sent me a pocket with PUL. My son is allergic to PUL so we were not able to use it. The quality was not as expected, but I guess if I'm paying $5 for a diaper, what should I expect? I tell you no matter how much money you spend on something, whether its a quarter or five thousand dollars, its your money and you expect good quality and good customer service. Her customer service was terrible after that. Seems she was a fair weather seller - so long as everything is fine, she's fine. But the minute you raise a complaint, she becomes very rude and unwilling to help. She denied she sent me the wrong thing and never offered a refund. She did offer an exchange, but after it taking 6 weeks and the quality of the diaper, I didn't want a replacement. She kept me on her mailing list and I kept seeing these cover up emails she was sending out in mass. I called her out on her scams and then she threatened to report me for harassment and slander. She reported me to some yahoo group, Diaper Digout. We exchanged several nasty emails which finally ended. But then a few weeks passed and yet another mass email surfaced from her. I couldn't take it. I went off on her and told her I was reporting her to the FBI and local authorities if she did not remove me from her mailing list. I have not heard from her since. Thank God. I never want to have to deal with someone like that again! I've heard so many people get absolutely screwed over by her. And though my story isn't as bad as some of what you all have experienced, it just goes to show her character and the repeating lies she's been handing all of us. I would like to see her business shut down so she is unable to scam anyone else."

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